Los Angeles Foreclosure Help – New Self Help Book

New Homestead Exemption

Los Angeles Foreclosure Help is at hand. Nolo has issued the updated 4th edition of this power packed book. Los Angeles foreclosure and bankruptcy lawyer Leon Bayer was a member of the updating team. Leon Bayer is a Los Angeles Foreclosure and Bankruptcy lawyer with 34 years of experience.

You need this book if you can’t afford your house. This book helps you make realistic decisions. If there is a way for you to stay in the house, we show you how. If you have to walk away, we will show you how to do it with money in your pocket. The Los Angeles foreclosure market is full of crooks and theives. Scammers abound. All of them want your money. We expose their scams. Teach you how and where to get genuine help to meet your goals.

Behind on house payments? Don’t go another day without this book.

It is possible to save your home, your money, and your sanity. This books helps you make sense out of all the Los Angeles Foreclosure pressures you are facing.


Los Angeles ForeclosureThe Foreclosure Survival Guide

Keep Your House or Walk Away With Money in Your Pocket


  • The ins and outs of foreclosure procedures, with state-by-state information.
  • How to decide whether or not you should try to keep your house.
  • Using bankruptcy to buy time or save your home.
  • How to avoid “foreclosure rescue” scams.






MORE bankruptcy self help books. Learn the SECRETS you need to survive financial disasters. Written by Los Angeles foreclosure and bankruptcy lawyers Leon Bayer and Jeffrey Wishman.

Los Angeles Bankruptcy LawyerA HUMAN GUIDE TO BANKRUPTCY By Leon Bayer and Jeffrey Wishman.

The book is now on Amazon.com.

  • This is bankruptcy, made pure and simple. It’s a HUMAN approach to law.
  • A complicated law becomes easy to understand.
  • Leon Bayer and Jeffrey Wishman have each been a Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer for more than 34 years.
  • The book has a special focus on avoiding common mistakes.
  • It covers Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

The NEW Bankruptcy.

Los Angeles Bankruptcy AttorneysI am very excited about this book. The original author was Stephen Elias. The late Stephen Elias was a great master of this task. He knew how to explain complex laws in a simple way. Nolo asked me to help with the new, 5th edition. Stephen had just passed away. I wanted my own contributions to the 5th edition to stay faithful to Stephen. I have been a Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney for 34 years. My law firm is Bayer, Wishman and Leotta. My law partner Jeffrey Wishman and I have developed a unique tradition. We offer free consultations to everyone. Over more than 3 decades, we have practiced our passion for helping people. NOLO has the same passion. Their motto is, “Law for All.” They have forged a great tradition. They make the law accessable to everyone. I have been thrilled to be involved with them. NOLO has sold more than 250,000 copies of bankruptcy books.


Do you like reading questions and answers? You’re sure to like the “ASK LEON” column. Los Angeles Bankruptcy Specialist Leon Bayer answers real questions. You will find it on the Nolo Publications bankruptcy blog web site. We are also found on Google+.  Leon Bayer is a Certified Bankruptcy Specialist byt the State Bar of California. Jeffrey Wishman is a Certified Bankruptcy Specialist byt the State Bar of California.


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